( Florence 1967 )
Tiziano Bonanni, Florence, 23 May 1967.
In 1984 Bonanni was awarded a Diploma as Master of Art in the Pictorial Decoration section of the Florence National Institute of Art.
Here, in 1986, he then graduated from the Two-Year Course in Specialization in the same discipline, concluding his studies in 1990 at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, in the painting section directed by Gustavo Giulietti.
As a very young student, he supplemented his course of studies by frequenting the studios of the most important Tuscan masters, architects and artists of the post-war period, such as Silvio Loffredo, Pietro Annigoni, Cecco Ceccherini, Mario Calderai, Pier Niccolò Berardi, and Piero Tredici.
Having completed his academic studies, he worked as private teacher and on projects in the field of furnishing accessories, ceramics, printed fabrics for wearing apparel, fashion accessories and designer jewellery for such famous Italian brands as Richard Ginori and Roberto Cavalli.
In 1997 he was a founding member of “Rossotiziano – RST ART ACADEMY”, an artistic cultural association headquartered in Florence, which he now directs and coordinates as artistic director. In the same year, he was awarded the “Fiorino d’argento” for artistic merit in Palazzo Vecchio’s Hall of the Five Hundred on the occasion of the XV “Premio Firenze”, along with other outstanding figures in art and guests of honour such as Franco Zeffirelli and Fosco Maraini.
His close ties to the history of Florence have always been distinctive of his style, where 15th-century spatial order evolves toward a tenser, more instable contemporary dimension. In 1999, at the tenth edition of “Etruriarte” held at Venturina in the Province of Livorno, he received First Prize in the painting section. With this recognition, he began to collaborate with such leading collectors as Tiziano Forni with his gallery in Bologna, and with such renowned Italian galleries as “GAMeC – Centro Arte Moderna” in Pisa, taking his place beside the leading Tuscan masters and artists most representative of Italian painting along with Pietro Annigoni, Renato Guttuso, Salvatore Fiume, Antonio Bueno, Tono Zancanaro, Ernesto Treccani, Aligi Sassu and others.
In 2005 the monograph Linea di Confine [Border Line] an annotated catalogue edited by the art historian Nicola Micieli, was presented at the Palagio di Parte Guelfa in Florence. This was followed by a solo exhibition at Florence’s Fortezza da Basso, in the Hall of Columns, at the invitation of the organizers of the Furniture Salon.
In Italy, Bonanni has participated on numerous occasions in performances and collateral events such as “To Call, To Mind – Start Biennale” in connection with the 52nd Venice Biennale; in travelling exhibitions, such as “50 Pittori Toscani per 50 Cantanti Toscani” [50 Tuscan Painters for 50 Tuscan Singers]; with works inspired by the Mona Lisa and conserved in the Leonardismi archive of the Museo Leonardo da Vinci; in themed events dedicated to Pinocchio, in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Carlo Collodi National Foundation, which has purchased a painting of the character Mangiafuoco.
In the decade 2004-2014, a tendency to insert paintings in Corten steel containers, or sculptures in old trunks, in works often featuring human subjects accompanied by animals, and the residue of products such as neon signs and obsolete objects, led him to further explore modes of contemporary experimentation.
In 2012 he undertook a new course of studies at the Specialized Two-Year Course in Visual Arts and New Expressive Languages, Master Course in Painting, held at the Florence Academy of Fine arts, where he was awarded a degree in 2014.
In 2017 his organic composition Anima [Soul] (consisting of a cross made of brambles, ropes and butterflies) was chosen as the most representative thematic work at “AETERNA” in the Triennale Exposition of Visual Arts held in Rome at the Complesso del Vittoriano.
Dating from 2019 is his portrait of Francesco Moser, on the occasion of the presentation of the film “Scacco al tempo”, a documentary on the life of the bicycle racing champion.
His most recent artistic development finds expression in a personalized style employing stratification, hybridization, combustion and various actions carried out on salvaged industrial materials, obsolete objects, organic and synthetic materials.
These are used to create multi-compositional sculptural-pictorial works in which the image takes on structure and decomposes according to the observer’s viewing point. These works, called “transitions”, are created in a style termed GENS (Generative Stratifications Style), which calls for the use of recycling as a virtuous principle that generates artistic value through the use of rejects of various kinds.
As an athlete, former Italian champion of judo, member of the National Association of Olympic and Azzurri Athletes of Italy, Bonanni has drawn inspiration from the martial arts, merging them with his own humanist roots to achieve top quality in every activity of life and art, as a principle of excellence.
The relationship between art and judo is a dialogue always present in his artistic research, which appears under the form of conceptual aspects that are transferred into pictorial matter or, at times, used as isolated affirmations of thought.
The artist’s strong ties to Florence have always been reflected not only in his artistic style but also in his private life, through participation in the city’s major historical and cultural institutions as well as in the traditional game of football in historical costume, where he played in the past for the Santo Spirito quarter.

Bonanni, l’Arte Controcorrente, Dodici Magazine – di Andrea Grillo
Manifestazione “RICICLARTE” a Villa Crastan di Pontedera, Rete Valdera – servizio di Maurizio Panicucci
Nobody – Clips videos and photos: C. Midollini, M. G. Dainelli, S. Niccolai, J. Shackelford – Montaggio e Producers: L. Bonanni – Go to video
Pelle, Studio Rosai – Director: Jonathan Shackelford – Music: Samuele Cangi – Producers: JoJo Studio – Go to video
Identity 1,618 / 1989 – 2019, from the fall of the Berlin wall to artificial intelligence, curated by Nicola Nuti, introduction by Vittorio Sgarbi, Sala
d ‘Arme of Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, Florence.
Riciclarte, personal site-specific in collective event, curated by Filippo Lotti, Villa Crastan, Pontedera, Pisa.
Pelle, all the rest does not matter, curated by F. Norcini, Studio Rosai, Florence.
Beings not beings, Asterisco Gallery, Prato.
Lives, Nest Gallery, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Anomalies, curated by Art Action for Exhibition Project, Barriera Albertina, Novara.
Full immersion, Hidron, Florence.
Border line, Sala delle Colonne, Fortezza da Basso, Florence.
Fragile III / Handle with care, curated by Benedetta Spagnuolo, Commenda di Prè, Genoa.
Reclame Creative Communication, Fortezza da Basso, Florence.
Esposizione triennale di arti visive, Rome, Complesso del Vittoriano.
Artisti di rilievo nazionale, curated by L. Carini, Galleria Studio C, Piacenza.
Arte Salerno, guest artist at the Biennale del Tirreno, invited to “Partners” award, Triennale di Roma.
Quasi Pinocchio, curated by F. Lotti, Fondazione Carlo Collodi, Pistoia.
The Artbox Project Miami 1.0, curated by Artbox Gallery, Zurich.
Rst Open Work, Villa Vogel, Florence.
SaturARTE / XX National competition of contemporary art, Genoa.
Premio Città di Novara / invited artists.
I Biennale acquerello e disegno, Castello di Levizzano, Modena.
European Sternen, curated by Silvia Arfelli, Reuss Galerie, Berlin.
Via Crucis / The Passion of Christ seen through the works of 14 contemporary artists, Church of San Luigi Gonzaga, Ponte a Egola, Pisa.
50 pittori per 50 cantanti toscani [50 painters for 50 tuscan singers], travelling exhibition. Catalogue edited by N. Nuti, F. Borghini, F. Lotti, ed. Il Masso delle fate, Florence.
Premio Combat Prize, finalist artists, Bottini dell’Olio, Livorno.
Mix Arte da vivere, Zoe, Florence.
Exhibition, curated by Galleria Carlo Livi 115, Prato, Miami, U.S.A.
Artisti toscani nel XXI secolo, Galleria Rotini Arte Contemporanea, Livorno. Catalogue edited by Chiara di Cesare, ed. Carlo Cambi, Florence.
Pholimorphica / L’eterno femminino e la spiritualità dell’eros [The eternal feminine and the spirituality of eros], curated by G. Ballerini, Villa Vogel, Florence.
Rst 10 Years, Palagio Parte Guelfa, Florence.
Kiaf/Korea Art Fair, ref. Galleria Carlo Livi 115, Prato, Seul.
Exhibition, curated by Galleria Carlo Livi 115, Prato, Fisher Island Art Center, Miami, U.S.A.
To Call to Mind/ Start Biennale, 52nd Biennale of Venice, Libreria Mondadori expo events, curated by Arteforte, Venice.
L’eros nell’immaginario contemporaneo [Eros in the contemporary imagination] / FML, Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Logudoro Meilogu, Banari, Sassari.
N.Y. Expo, ref. Galleria Carlo Livi 115, Prato, New York, U.S.A.
Maestri toscani fra storia e contemporaneità [Tuscan masters, both historical and contemporary], Palagio Parte Guelfa, Florence.

“Fiorino d’argento”, Salone de’ Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.
“Master Painters of the World”, Italy Showcase, International Artist Magazine.
I Premio Fiera Internazionale d’Arte “Etruriarte”, Venturina (Livorno).
“Fiorino d’argento”, Salone de’ Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.
III Premio Nazionale di Pittura e Scultura “City Novara”.
Premio “Partners”, galleries jury,, Esposizione Triennale di Arti Visive, Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome.
Named Honourary Senator of the Accademia Internazionale Medicea for cultural and artistic merit, Palazzo Bastogi, Florence.
Named Honorary Cavaliere della Repubblica di Parte Guelfa for cultural and artistic merit, Palazzo Rosselli Del Turco, Florence.
GAMeC, Galleria Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Pisa.
Pinacoteca Comune di S. Vincenzo, Livorno.
Chiesa di S. Luigi Gonzaga, predelle della Via Crucis, Ponte a Egola, Pisa.
FML, Fondazione Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Banari, Sassari.
Leonardismi, Museo Ideale Leonardo da Vinci, Florence.
Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi, Pescia, Pistoia.
THE HUMAN CONDITION – Works 1995-1996, Il Candelaio Edizioni – Florence.
BORDER LINE – Works 1994-2004, curated by Nicola Micieli, Ed. Bandecchi and Vivaldi – Pisa.
ESSERI NON ESSERI – curated by G. Ballerini / A. Carretti / M. Nannini – The Asterisk Ed. Prato.
NOBODY – GENS STYLE COLLECTION, self-print – Florence.
IDENTITY 1.618 / 1989 – 2019, from the fall of the Berlin wall to artificial intelligence, curated by Nicola Nuti, Ed. Polistampa – Florence.
XII PREMIO FLORENCE – Centro Cult. Florence Europa, Ed. Eco d’Arte Moderna – Florence.
PREMIO CARLO DELLA ZORZA – Ed. Galleria Ponterosso – Milan.
ARTEROMA EXPO – Exhibition of contemporary artists, Ed. Fiera di Roma.
ETRURIARTE 8 – Showroom Catalogue – Livorno.
VOLUME DI INCISIONI MAESTRI TOSCANI – limited edition, Il Candelaio – Florence
XIII PREMIO FIRENZE – Tribute to Mario Conti – Centro Cult. Florence Europe – Ed. Eco d’Arte Moderna – Florence.
XIV PREMIO ITALIA ARTI VISIVE – Ed. Eco d’arte moderna, Florence.
ETRURIARTE 9 – Showroom Catalogue – Livorno.
ITINERARI D’ARTE – Lalli Ed. – Poggibonsi, Siena.
XV PREMIO ITALIA ARTI VISIVE – Eco d’Arte Moderna, Florence.
ETRURIARTE 10 – Showroom Catalogue, Livorno.
INTERNATIONAL ARTIST – Magazine for artists, U.S.A.
ARTISTI PER IL 2000 – Pietro Chegai Editore, Florence.
ARTE EUROPA – Exhibition Market of contemporary art, Reggio Emilia.
DICTIONARY OF INTERNATIONAL BIOGRAPHY, Twenty-ninth edition – IBC, Cambridge, England
ARTE PARMA – Exhibition Market of contemporary art
IMMAGINA – Art Trade Fair, Reggio Emilia
III PREMIO NAZIONALE CITTA’ DI NOVARA – General finalists catalogue.
IMMAGINA – Art Trade Fair, Reggio Emilia
LE STANZE DI EROS – Municipal Gallery of Piombino, Livorno. Ed. Felici, Pisa
IMMAGINA – Art Trade Fair, Reggio Emilia.
ARTISTI TOSCANI NEL XXI SECOLO – Rotini contemporary art Ed. Carlo Cambi, Florence.
VII PREMIO NAZIONALE CITTA’ DI NOVARA – General finalists catalogue
POLYMORPHICA Eternal femininity and the spirituality of Eros – Villa Vogel, Florence.
INCONTRI CON L’ARTE, a year of exhibitions and events in Tuscany in the pages of Metropoli Day curated by F. Borghini, Florence.
PREMIO COMBAT PRIZE General finalists catalogue – ed. Sillabe, Livorno.
50 PITTORI TOSCANI PER 50 CANTANTI TOSCANI curated by F. Borghini and F. Lotti. Ed. Masso delle Fate, Florence.
EUROPEAN STERNEN curated by Silvia Arfelli, ed. Maya Desnuda, Forlì .
I BIENNALE DELL’ ACQUERELLO E DEL DISEGNO – Curated by Claudia Baldi, ed. Percorsi d’Arte, Lucca.
2015 TUSCANY CONTEMPORARY ART – 2nd edition, Synersea – WF edizioni, Lucca.
ARTIST’S PROFILES – CONTEMPORARY ART ITINERARIES – Curated by Mario Napoli, Satura Editore, Genoa.
PINOCCHIO A COLLODI – 60th Anniversary, curated by Filippo Lotti – Ed. of the National Carlo Collodi Foundation.
AETERNA, Triennial Visual Arts Exhibition of Rome – Curated by Gianni Dunil / Pref. V. Sgarbi Start Edizioni.
RICICLARTE – lo scarto che genera arte, Ediz. Bandecchi e Vivaldi, Pontedera, Pisa.